INDRÁK, V. Time-variant tomographic reconstruction from ECG [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií. 2024.


Posudek vedoucího

Drauschke, Andreas

Vedoucím práce byl FH-Prof. Dr. Andreas Drauschke na FH Technikum Wien, jehož posudek je v příloze. Ing. Sekora byl oponentem na VUT. Posudek vedoucího je v příloze.

Navrhovaná známka

Posudek oponenta

Sekora, Jiří

Mr. Václav Indrák chose "Time-variant tomographic reconstruction from ECG" as the topic of his diploma thesis. The topic is certainly current and presents a different perspective on the commonly taken ECG. At the same time, the topic is rather ambitious, as it combines the well-known technique of recording potentials (ECG) with a well-known principle (3D tomography). Student developed the topic independently using consultations with advisor and using available literature. The work has a logical division. The theoretical part presents current methods and his motivating behind the method described in the thesis. The main part of the work describes the hardware design. The hardware part is simple, it is a wellknown connection built on quality AD620 amplifiers, extended by a "driven leg" circuit and acquisition using an Arduino microcontroller. The design shows some inexperience in circuit design. The important part is the software where the student built a Python program to process the data. The thesis presents a "proof of concept" of 3D voltage mapping modeling. I would evaluate the work as "good" (85 points).

Navrhovaná známka

eVSKP id 154250